
The dominance of the Premier League in the semifinals of the World Cup 2018

The dominance of the Premier League in the semifinals of the World Cup 2018
The dominance of the Premier League in the semifinals of the World Cup 2018

The dominance of the Premier League in the semifinals of the World Cup 2018

Sports Update Info - Premier League dominated the semifinal World Cup 2018. Description of the data below is going to prove it, the number of players active in there its main indicators.

World Cup 2018 are already up in the big four. France will face Belgium. In other matches, Croatia will be faced with the United Kingdom.

Of the four teams that competed in the semi-finals of the World Cup 2018, all of which reinforced the players League career in United Kingdom. Croatia, with just 11 players from the Premier League. He is a player of Liverpool, Dejan Lovren.

While in France there are five national team players from the country's football competition of the highest caste of Queen Elisabeth, in Belgium there are 12 members of the squad were players from the Premier League. United Kingdom mengandalakan 100 percent of players from League of their own country.

Of a total of 92 players who became World Cup semifinalist squad giving, 41 of whom compete in the Premier League. Most came from Tottenham Hotspur, there are nine players. Followed then there is Manchester City, Manchester United, and Chelsea, with a total of seven players.

Meanwhile, Liverpool are donating 5 player, Leicester City two players. Arsenal, Stoke City, Burnley, Everton, and West Bromwich Albion respectively contributed one player.

Two players tersubur 2018 World Cup also comes from the Premier League. United Kingdom, striker Harry Kane, already membukukam 6 goals, following the then Belgium player, Romelu Refusing, with four goals that are contrived. From 157 touchdowns already created in Russia, 41 of which are accounted for by players Premier League.
