
A healthy lifestyle you can from now on

A healthy lifestyle you can from now on
A healthy lifestyle you can from now on

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity is a risk factor for health world. The increased production of processed foods, rapid urbanization and unhealthy lifestyle makes you vulnerable to developing different types of health problems, such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Start a healthy lifestyle can keep you from the health risks.

A healthy lifestyle is a long term commitment with comprehensive health benefits for your body and your life. Increasing body health, psychological and emotional bandwagon will improve the quality of your life and bring a positive influence to those around you.

The Application Of Healthy Lifestyle

Implement a healthy lifestyle need to be tailored to the age, gender, level of physical activity, health condition, even your eating habits. The results will vary, you can't run or expect results of the same lifestyle changes to someone's health or body condition in contrast with, for example, following the type or the idol actor.

Here are several ways to start a healthy lifestyle that You can directly apply and make a new habit or routine.

Knowing the standing body health and make the promise of treatments if needed.

Do annual checkups may have never or rarely do and check out the list of compulsory vaccinations are also obtained. Some types of vaccinations is given more than one time with a special schedule. Immediately made an appointment with a doctor if routine health inspection results indicate abnormalities or there is a vaccination to be done.

Know the body mass index (IMT) and the size of your waist circumference to check if there is a risk factor for the disease, such as obesity. You can do this in conjunction with regular inspections. Recognize also the level of physical activity, such as how much activity is done in a week and like what intensitasnya. By knowing the physical condition and health of your body, you can determine the next steps of the healthy lifestyle changes that fit to do. Diskusikanlah to your doctor about the type of activity or diet that is recommended for your condition.

Fix food regimen or diet and stop bad habits

Start making the diary contains a list of any food you consume each day. Yes, that includes fried foods you consume while waiting for the train schedule, for example. Make it without having any assessment. Remember, you are doing this to see what needs to be changed from the old eating pattern. You can't switch to a healthy lifestyle if you don't know what the old habits that need to be removed or maintained. Diskusikanlah along with a doctor and a nutritionist about the type, the amount of food intake, and dietary suggestions other that you need.

Expand physical activity and manage stress

Adults are encouraged to set aside at least two and a half hours per week to do aerobic activity (e.g. walking and running) with medium intensity. Or you can set aside one hour and 15 minutes a week to do high-intensity aerobic activity, plus the activity of muscle reinforcement, such as push-ups and sit-ups, at least two days a week. Make a calendar of weekly physical activity and objective, realistic, flexible and fun.

Psychological health is also included into a healthy lifestyle. Tuck activities such as yoga and meditation to deal with stress. Specify how or activity that you can do when the stress and emotion of attack, for example, by running up and down stairs or keep silence for a moment in the rest room for the back focus. Breathing exercises not only reminds you to be grateful but also to re-evaluate the perspective and the decision needs to be taken. Remember the positive things that happen in life and you will realize how the number of things that you have accomplished or have.

Fix bedtime

Make a schedule of sleep anyway. Try gadget, computer or television you've been dead for at least two hours before bedtime. Heavy exercise before going to bed is also not recommended. You can take a bath of warm water and drink a cup of tea to make the body and mind become relaxed, thus helping You quickly go to sleep. Don't think poorly of sleep disorders, immediately encountered a doctor to get appropriate responses, if you have trouble sleeping.

Improve relationships with those around you

Lifestyle changes rather than simply food regimen and exercise, social interaction with people around you also contribute to your emotional and psychological health. You don't necessarily have to equate all aspects of your life with your neighbor or your friend, but you still need to take the time to socialize, be it digitally as well as face to face. Improve relationships with your fellow will give a sense of comfort for each party. However, if you find it difficult to socialize, or if you are in an unhealthy relationship, then you need to seek help immediately. The doctor will help you figure out the source of the problem and how to resolve it.

Multiply also do activities that stimulate the brain's creativity with people around you. This activity started the good news always has little formal education coupled with mutual support. According to the neurologist, doing activities such as this would be more influential on the health of the brain and body as a whole than any computer game that is played individually.

Although difficult to turn away from old habits, you need to realize that by making a healthy lifestyle as the new habits, risk of developing various types of diseases will also be taking part. Improve physical appearance, health psychological awake, and your energy increases.
A healthy lifestyle also enlarge your chances for a longer life. A study proved that the habit of walk a minimum of 30 minutes per day can lower the risk of dying at an early age significantly. So wait for what again? Don't delay continues to change the pattern of your old life into a healthy lifestyle.