
Spanish Football Federation Sacks Selector & Coach Julen Loperegui

Spanish Football Federation Sacks Selector & Coach Julen Loperegui
Spanish Football Federation Sacks Selector & Coach Julen Loperegui
Its the news BOMB of Spanish Sports & World Football, the Spanish Football Federation under President Luis Rubiales has sacked their current Spanish Football Team Selector & Coach JULEN LOPETEGUI with just 2 days from their apertura in the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Definitely not the best way to begin your World Cup campaign considering that Spain has high expectations & is considered a clear favourite. Spain begins it first match next Friday against Portugal & this event has to have serious consequences on the Spanish Team players.

Spanish Football Federation under President Luis Rubiales has sacked their current Spanish SPANISH FOOTBALL FEDERATION SACKS SELECTOR & COACH JULEN LOPEREGUI

Everything got triggered & ignited after REAL MADRID CF announced officially yesterday afternoon that Julen Lopetegui would substitute resigned Coach Zidane after the World Cup. This did not go down at all well with the Spanish Football Federation as they claim they were marginalised from negotiations, were not previously informed of the Real Madrid communication (5 minutes before claimed President Rubiales he was informed) & that the timing was not in the best interests of the Spanish National Team.

President of the Spanish Football Federation Luis Rubiales cited that the methods & forms adapted was contrary to the values promoted where the National interest outweighs the individual. He added that the decision was painful & extremely difficult but there was not option given under the circumstances. 

Hours before the announcement Spanish Team Players lead by Captain Sergio Ramos voiced their opposition against the sacking as the "remedy" was worse than the "cure". The players wanted Coach Julen Lopetegui to continue & at least maintain a clear direction & course during the soon to start World Cup.

Now the unknown is who will take over the direction of the Spanish National Team. Federation President Rubiales announced that the intention is to make the most smoothest transition possible. This leads many to postulate that 2ยบ Coach ( & U/21 Selector) Albert Celades could take the ruins, along with Spanish Team Director Fernando Hierro. It is being discussed & debated while I write this post. 

The correct decision? Perhaps, the forms & the timing of the Real Madrid announcement was not the most appropriate. However, with just 2 days away from Spain commencing their World Cup campaign & against current European Champions, perhaps the "greater picture" was over looked along with the opinions of the players.

What is certain is that this is a strong & heavy blow to the Spanish National Team which has their concentration & heads on external issues & not on the "job at hand". Not to mention the elimination of the "leader" who took them to Russia in the first place.
