
6 Step Longevity With This Simple Healthy Life Patterns

6 Step Longevity With This Simple Healthy Life Patterns
6 Step Longevity With This Simple Healthy Life Patterns

Many people do not so understand how to keep him staying healthy, both physically and mentally. Healthy and happy life but it is one of the keys to living a long life. That is to say, the happy life of a person, the more likely that person is to also live longer. Yup!, one of the ways that you can use to live a happy and long life is to apply a pattern of healthy living.

come check out! a simple healthy living guide here!

6 Simple steps to start a pattern of healthy living

Following these simple steps, you can do to a healthier life.....

1. Avoid Stress

Stuck on the road, the deadline the TODO task or strangled, choked, financial relationships romance which is porous, and various other life appear will certainly make you stress. When you feel stress, all the systems in your body will be responded in a way that is different. The chronic nature of stress can impact your overall health. Now, therefore, strive as much as possible to reduce or even avoid all the things that can make you stressed.

A pause of the activity you are working on is commonplace. When you're depressed, try to pull over briefly in a place quiet. Calm yourself while taking a deep breath and buskin slowly.

Do this repeatedly until you feel more relaxed. Take a deep breath on its own has been shown to lower cortisol levels, which can help reduce stress and anxiety.

You can also do a range of other activities that you enjoy doing. For example, read, write a journal, or playing with pets. The bottom line, make yourself comfortable with the way that you love.

2. Wisely choose food

What you eat will affect how your body works. By the way, it is important for you to note every food you consume each day.

Make sure if the food in your plate meets the principle of balanced nutrition, which includes carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and fat is good. Don't just rely on one type of staple food only. You can replace the staple food with corn, noodles, sweet potatoes, or potato. So, no need to keep rice.

Note also the portion of your meal. Look at the serving of a meal is important to prevent you from experiencing obesity and stricken with various chronic diseases. Remember, anything exaggeration of course not good for the body.

In addition to sorting out the food that will be consumed, you also have to be wise in the process. Avoid processing food by the way fried. You can manipulate the way foods are healthier, such as boiled, steamed, or fried.

3. Squeeze in some exercise every day

The sport does not always have to jog or go to the gym. You are free to do different kind of sports you like. If you like cycling or swimming, then feel free to do so. Similarly, if only like a relaxing stroll. The key one, make your body actively moving every day.

By actively moving, your body will try to burn calories that settle in the body. More than that, it can also help circulate more oxygen into the cells of the body and keep it healthy. No wonder after sports or do physical activity You so feel fitter.

Well, for those of you office workers who may not have much time to exercise, you can perform a variety of simple physical activity to ensure you keep your body moving.

Head Office, try to choose climbing stairs rather than take the elevator or escalator. You can also take the time to stroll or just ride down the stairs before and after lunch.

Sometimes with small changes in daily routines can help you become more active exercise.

4. Reduce sugar today

You are interested in dessert aka sweet food? Cupcake, ice cream, candies, brownies, indeed very seductive tongue. However, starting today, make this an intention to reduce or even avoid the food.

It is not without reason. Because the sugar intake, too much can trigger diabetes. Well, if you have diabetes, you will be exposed to more vulnerable are exposed to a variety of chronic diseases later in life. Some of them such as heart disease and stroke.

Start slowly. If you normally drink coffee with two scoops of sugar, now try just one spoon only. Once accustomed, you can eliminate your intake of sugar at all in the cup of coffee you drink.

Instead of drinking the beverage packaging, better you eat pieces of fresh fruit. In addition to more healthy, sugar contained in the fresh fruit will certainly not as much as there is in drinks packaging.

Not only sugar, but you also have to slowly reduce your smoking habit and drank alcohol.

5. Drink plenty of plain water

About 60 percent of the composition of your body is water. Unfortunately, every day the liquid in the body will continue to be reduced through sweat, urine, and even every time you breathe. This is why it is important for you to ensure that Your fluid needs are met every day.

Further, ensure that the intake of fluids You are met with either not only prevents dehydration, but also so powerful ways for you not to consume sweet beverages.

Bring your own drink bottle wherever you go. Enter the bottle in your bag so you won't forget to take him everywhere. In addition, it also provided drinking water at the work desk or in the bedroom.

6. Getting enough sleep

Diligent exercise and eat foods that are high and will end up in vain if you yourself do not get enough sleep. According to Cheri Mah, an expert on the perkara of sleep disorders at Stanford University and the University of California, sleep is the most basic needs to live a healthy life pattern.

Sleep became a foundation on which a healthy mind and body are formed. If the Foundation is shaky, will certainly have an impact on your health. Starting from an immune function, energy, appetite, moods to your weight.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, sleep duration ideal for adults is around 7-9 hours per night. So make sure if every night you sleep at least 7-9, Yes!