
10 Benefits Of Banana Juice For Health And Beauty

10 Benefits Of Banana Juice For Health And Beauty
10 Benefits Of Banana Juice For Health And Beauty
benefits of banana juice for health and beauty 10 benefits of Banana Juice for health and beauty

The banana is a fruit that easily you find traditional markets or supermarkets nearby, and at an affordable price. This fruit contains a lot of nutrients such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron are badly needed by the body. Banana is very beneficial for health as well as the beauty of the skin. If you are interested in the benefits of this fruit, yuk refer 10 banana juice benefits for health and beauty.

1. Increase the body's energy

benefits of banana juice for health and beauty 10 benefits of Banana Juice for health and beauty

Do you know if bananas contain lots of vitamins that are able to meet the nutrition your body needs? Bananas are one of the best of the excellent fruit consumed per day. This fruit contains calories that your body needs, so by consuming this fruit each day will add to the energy daily. You can make use of this fruit as banana juice, as a salad, etc.

2. Maintaining healthy Kidneys
benefits of banana juice for health and beauty 10 benefits of Banana Juice for health and beauty

Eating bananas regularly turn out could make kidney mu more healthy, and work normally. Potassium content is the one who can make the banana is very good for the kidneys. Even on some international journal stated, that bananas are one of the fruits of the phenolic compounds, which contain antioxidants that can nourish the human kidney.

3. Stabilize blood pressure
benefits of banana juice for health and beauty 10 benefits of Banana Juice for health and beauty

Bananas contain potassium, magnesium, and calcium are very good to stabilize blood pressure. By consuming bananas, not only more energy that will get you but can also stabilize blood pressure within the body. You can eat the banana fruit every day so that the blood pressure and needs the nutrients in the body are met properly.

4. Lower Cholesterol
benefits of banana juice for health and beauty 10 benefits of Banana Juice for health and beauty

Bananas are one of the fruits that contain a good pectin fiber in stabilizing the levels of cholesterol in the body. According to scientists such as pectin, soluble fiber can lower LDL cholesterol levels in the body without interrupting HDL cholesterol in the body. You can also take advantage of bananas as a juice or fruit salad, to be consumed per day.

5. Healthy Bone
benefits of banana juice for health and beauty 10 benefits of Banana Juice for health and beauty

The banana is a fruit that has prebiotic bacteria and able to nourish the bones because prebiotic on bananas can help the absorption of calcium needed bones. You can eat a banana with how processed into juice banana, banana compote, or also you can create for cakes and salad. In addition to this excellent banana fruit consumed also for adults and children.

6. Resolve Anemia
benefits of banana juice for health and beauty 10 benefits of Banana Juice for health and beauty

The banana fruit is the fruit of a high iron content which will be able to increase the hemoglobin in the human body. So that's the bananas always made the ultimate choice to overcome anemia. You can use fruit juice as a banana smoothie, or also as a salad with a mix of other fruits such as apples, strawberries and more.

7. Promote weight loss
benefits of banana juice for health and beauty 10 benefits of Banana Juice for health and beauty

If you feel the weight of thy less, then banana is the best choice for weight loss. Bananas contain natural sugars that thy body is very necessary, you can also make banana juice and milk to be consumed per day. Because milk also has the protein your body needs and can help in the process of adding more weight.

8. Help lose weight
benefits of banana juice for health and beauty 10 benefits of Banana Juice for health and beauty

If bananas can be used to promote weight loss, this time the banana you can take advantage of to lose weight. Banana contains about 90 calories Cal, so the fruit is very suitable for being one of the diet menus. You can use a banana as a juice or other processed, but note the way of processing in order not to damage the vitamin in banana.

9. Moisturizes skin face
benefits of banana juice for health and beauty 10 benefits of Banana Juice for health and beauty

Having healthy skin that is very important, therefore we must always keep the moisture of the skin so as not to dry and dull. This time you can take advantage of the banana to keep skin moist face, how to use it very easily. You can make juice banana and banana juice smeared as a facial mask, and allow it to dry out on its own. If it dries clear with clean water.

10. Softens skin face
benefits of banana juice for health and beauty 10 benefits of Banana Juice for health and beauty

Not only moisturize the skin of the face, it turns out that bananas can also sublimate thy face skin. You can use the juice of plantain as a facial mask, and rub it on your face. If it dries, rinse with clean water and dry with a soft cloth. Use the banana juice as face masks routinely to get maximum results.