
5 Content Of Tomatoes Is Good For Pregnant Women

5 Content Of Tomatoes Is Good For Pregnant Women
5 Content Of Tomatoes Is Good For Pregnant Women
 content of tomatoes is good for pregnant women 5 content of Tomatoes is good for pregnant women

The tomato is one of the food ingredients which are often thought of as a compliment. Because it is considered a compliment, a lot of people are reluctant to consume it with routine. In fact, the fruit is thus saving many benefits well especially for pregnant women.

The content of nutrients in tomatoes is very good for health. Not only folic acid, but tomatoes also contain many vitamins A, C, B6, thiamin, niacin, and Lycopene. In addition, tomatoes also contain many minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and copper. Tomatoes are also naturally contained sodium, saturated fat, and low cholesterol.

Eating tomatoes for pregnant women are not dangerous. Tomatoes can be consumed with raw, boiled, or processed together with other food ingredients. As for eating tomatoes with how prepared beforehand more recommended while pregnant because it could reduce the potential presence of a hazardous substance that is attached to the tomatoes,

The following are the various benefits of tomatoes for the expectant mother as seen from the content of nutrients in it, among other things:

Vitamin A

 content of tomatoes is good for pregnant women 5 content of Tomatoes is good for pregnant women

Every pregnant woman needs vitamin A as many as 77 micrograms, or about 2.566 IU daily. Meanwhile, when a mother breastfeeding, need more vitamin A which is about 1300 micrograms, or about 4.330 IU daily.

For pregnant women, satisfy vitamin A will help repair tissues after Labor and maintain the function of normal vision and help him fight bouts of infection.

But it will cause problems if a pregnant mother consuming too much vitamin a. because it can cause birth defects and infant also suffered liver toxicity.

Vitamin C

 content of tomatoes is good for pregnant women 5 content of Tomatoes is good for pregnant women

Iron required pregnant women to form the placenta and red blood cells. Every day, the iron needs of pregnant women could achieve 1040 mg. The Division, 50-75 his mg to form the placenta, 450 mg of his to form red blood cells, then 200 mg is needed to process his or her birth.

Then what to do with vitamin C? Please note that vitamin C helps iron absorption of up to 30%. When iron needs are great then vitamin C is needed to help the process of absorption of iron.


 content of tomatoes is good for pregnant women 5 content of Tomatoes is good for pregnant women

The calorie needs of pregnant women are very large. About 60% of the calories come from carbohydrates. Carbohydrates help greatly the formation of energy, whereas this energy needs in the process of formation of the placenta, fetal cells, the formation of blood vessels, body metabolism and fat reserves.


 content of tomatoes is good for pregnant women 5 content of Tomatoes is good for pregnant women

Pregnant women need a higher calcium intake than other people in General. In a day of pregnant women need calcium of 1.5 g/day. If compared with others which are only 1 g per day, means pregnant women require 1.5 times greater than the needs of others will be calcium.

If calcium intake of pregnant women need less fulfilled it will lead to problems such as fetal growth, cramps, not perfect, osteoporosis bone, and baby development hampered. To avoid this, the consumption of tomatoes in different types of petrol can help meet calcium needs for pregnant women women


 content of tomatoes is good for pregnant women 5 content of Tomatoes is good for pregnant women

Lycopene including the powerful antioxidant that can prevent and slow down some types of cancer. A study reported that Lycopene is useful to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells and prostate cancer.

Have high levels of antioxidants, the tomato was instrumental in improving the communication between cells, where this would help increase the gap junction between cells. cell cycle Progression would be better in helping the formation of fetal cells.

In addition, Lycopene antioxidant properties also help counteract oxidative stress that causes bone fragility. Lycopene is also facilitating bone formation and increase bone density increase.

That's some of the benefits of tomato fruits for pregnant women, I hope this article could be useful to the loyal readers of my blog thanks for his visit, for criticism and suggestions please comment in the comments field.